Everything you need for a Polling Station in one handy pack. We are happy to create bespoke packs for you. Contact us with the items you'd like to see in each pack and we will provide a quote for you. Return your Document Bag and Pencil case for savings on future orders.
Pack A - Combination of all Polling Station Packs
Pack A - Combination of all Polling Station Packs (B+C+D+E+F+Bag+Pencil Case)
Pack B - Stationery
6 x ballot pencils
2 x ballpens
1 x Post It Notes Packs,
1 x Cannister pencil sharpener
1 x Pair of scissors,
1 x Ball of String
1 x Box of drawing pins,
1 x Roll of adhesive tape
1 x White Tack
Pack C - Stationery
3 x plain adhesive labels,
1 x Plastic Sack Pack (Clear, Black, Green)
3 x cable ties,
1 x Ballot paper magnifier
1 x 12" ruler
Pack D - Signage
3 x large POLLING STATION signs (paper SRA2),
3 x small POLLING STATION signs (paper)
1 x Welcome to your Polling Station Sign (Paper A2),
1 x OPENING TIMES sign (paper A3)
3 x WAY IN signs (paper),
2 x WAY OUT signs (paper)
12 x strips of five direction arrows (paper),
2 x DISABLED ACCESS signs (paper)
Pack E - Forms
1 x Ballot paper refusal list,
1 x Voter identification document evaluation form
10 x declaration by companion of voter with disabilities,
1 x List of voters with disabilities assisted by companions
1 x List of votes marked by Presiding Officer,
1 x Statement of number of votes marked by Presiding Officer
1 x List of persons to whom ballot papers are delivered in consequence of an alteration to the register,
1 x Questions to be put to voters
1 x Tendered votes list
10 x Postal Votes Returned Forms
Pack F - Packets
1 x Unused and spoilt ballot papers (paper sack with adhesive label included),
1 x Marked Tendered Ballot Papers
1 x Marked copy of the register, list of postal voters and list of proxies,
1 x Certificates of employment on the day of the poll
1 x Tendered votes list, list of votes marked by PO, statement of number of votes marked by PO, list of voters with disabilities assisted by companions, declarations made by companions of voters with disabilities, and list of persons to whom ballot papers are delivered in consequence of an alteration to the register (LEPKT6),
1 x Ballot paper account
1 x Appointments of PO and poll clerks,
1 x Corresponding number lists
1 x Ballot paper refusal list,
1 x Voter identification document evaluation form
1 x Additional packet for use if required
Document Bag
Pencil Case