Recently I posted on LinkedIn highlighting how hard our Electoral Administrators work
all year round. Now I ask the question; Are Local Elections Important?
I'd like to talk about a topic that's close to my heart: the importance of voting in local
elections. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Yawn, how boring! Who cares about
local elections?" Well, my dear friend, let me tell you that local elections are like the
vegetables of democracy: they may not be as exciting as a juicy steak or a bacon
sarnie, but they're essential for a healthy democracy.
First of all, let's start with the basics. Local elections are all about choosing the people
who will represent you in your local council or local government. These people are
responsible for making decisions that affect your everyday life, such as setting council
tax rates, managing local services like rubbish collection and recycling, and making sure
that your local area is safe and well-maintained.
Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Grant, I don't care about rubbish collection or
council tax rates. That stuff is boring!"Well, my dear friend, let me remind you that these things may seem boring, but they're actually incredibly important. For example, if your
local council doesn't manage rubbish collection properly, you could end up with
overflowing bins and a stinky neighbourhood. And if your local council sets council tax
rates too high, you could end up paying more than you can afford, which could put a
strain on your finances.
Those that know me well know I enjoy the funny side of local elections. You see, local
elections can be pretty hilarious if you look at them the right way. For example, did you
know that in the 2002 local elections, Hartlepool United Football Club’s mascot,
H’Angus the Monkey was elected as the mayor of Hartlepool?,,
Yes, you read that right: a man dressed up as a monkey ran for office and actually won
and was mayor for over 11 years! In 2018, in homage to Trump, a councillor in Cheshire
was elected after promising to build a wall to keep out Welsh sheep.
In all seriousness, voting in local elections is incredibly important. These elections may
not get as much media coverage as national elections, but they have a big impact on
your life. So, if you want to have a say in how your local area is run, make sure you vote
in the next local elections.
In conclusion, my fellow citizens, I urge you to get out there and vote in your local
elections. Not only will you be doing your civic duty, but you'll also be contributing to a
healthy and vibrant democracy. And who knows, you might even get a good laugh out of